Mineral Resource Map
Browse mineral resources
North America
United States
New York
Highland Sand and Gravel Pit
Wallkill Pit and Mill
Goshen Pit and Plant
Westtown Pit and Plant
Pine Island Quarry and Plant
Chester Pit
Pellets Island Pit and Plant
High Mills Pit and Mill
Plum Point Pit and Mill
Moodna Pit
Chester Pit and Plant
Bloomingburg Pit and Plant
Westtown Pit and Plant
Crystal Run Pit and Plant
Delaware Valley Sand & Gravel Pit
Sterling Peat
Goshen Quarry and Mill
Guymard Mine
Sterling Group/Red-Back Mines
Scott Group of Mines
Standish Mine/Raynor/Taylor Mines
Steele Mine/Crawford/Brennon Mines
Mombasha Mine/*eill/Forshee/Clove Mines
Bull Mine
Wetherby Mine/Rattlesnake Mine
Forest of Dean Mine
Tower Mine
Townsend Canterbury Mine
Westtown Pit
Crystal Run Pit
Chester Pit
Redback Mine
Westtown Pit
Forest of Dean Group of Mines
Kakargo Pit
Edenville Rutile Deposit
Lower California Mine
Brennan Deposit
West Point Magnetite Vein
Clove Mine
Otter Road Pit
Middle Hope Plant
Mountain Mine
Scott-Cook Mine
Bull Mine
Lake Winade Mica Mine
Arden Mica Deposit
Crawford and Steele Mines
Fall Hill Wernerite Deposit
High Mills Pit and Mill
Edenville Ilmenite Deposit
Moodna Pit
Warwick Group of Mines
Plum Point Pit
Bloomingburg Pit
Bering Mine
Amity Rutile Deposit
Limestone Rock Quarry
Morehead Mine
Crossway Mine
Neelytown Quarry
Pine Island Quarry
Chester Pit
Clay Pit No. Hj-019.
Barre Sand, Inc.
Rocky Hill Mine
Shaft-By-Railroad Prospect
Edenville Fluorite Deposit
Otisville Mine
Sterling and Lake Mines
Wildcat Prospect
Goshen Pit
Mombasha Lake Magnetite Area
Summit Mine
Trout Brook Pit
Amity Spinel Deposit
Merion Blue-Grass Sod Farm Pit
Upper California Mine
Wallkill Pit
Champion Mine
Amity Fluorite Deposit
Tip Top Mine
Campbell Pit
Peller Pit
Middle and Hard Mines
Highland Mills Pit
Long Mine
Pellets Island Pit
Grosso Materials
Edenville Rutile Deposit
Whitehead Mine
Wawaywando Pit
Port Jervis Pit and Plant
Snyder and Hewitt Mines
Augusta Mine
Pine Island Quarry
Smith Mine
Goshen Quarry
Crystal Run Pit
Alice Mine
Bog Meadow Pond Deposit
Blooming Grove Pit
Ranier Hill Prospect
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